Information about COVID-19


Here is the brief information about COVID-19. COVID-19 is a infectious disease caused by the most recently dicovered corona virus. Both disease and virus was unknown before the recent outbreak in Wuhan China in December 2019.

Corona virus are large family of viruses.Corona Virus cause illness ranging from common cold to more severe disease such is Middle East Respiratory  Syndrome (MERS-CoV) to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

Common symptoms are nasal congestion, runny nose, pains and aches and diarrhea. The most common symptoms are Fever, tiredness and dry cough.

Some people are infected but doesn’t develop any symptoms. Most of the people get recovered from the disease without needing any special treatment.

Older people and people with underlying conditions like blood pressure, heart disease or diabetes are more likely to develop serious illness.

People with fever cough and difficulty in breathing should seek medical attention.